
Brushstrokes of a Booklover

I am an author and artist who is passionate about books, sci-fi and fantasy. When I’m not writing books, I’m reading or painting them! On this site you’ll find the brushstrokes of a booklover. My art is inspired by a love for books and storytelling; by beloved stories, favorite characters and wonderful worlds of adventure! My paintings serve as windows to enchanting literary worlds or simply serve to delight book lovers with a celebration of books and literature, sci-fi and fantasy!

I am proudly self-taught in all areas of visual and literary arts and still learning! After quitting PhD candidature in Physics! Come join me on my journey, follow me on instagram or subscribe to my newsletter for updates and discounts!

Favorite Quotes

“Romantic art is the fuel and the spark plug of a man’s soul; its task is to set a soul on fire and never let it go out.”

Ayn Rand

“That which is not worth contemplating in life, is not worth re-creating in art.

Ayn Rand

“Misery, disease, disaster, evil, all the negatives of human existence, are proper subjects of study in life, for the purpose of understanding and correcting them—but are not proper subjects of contemplation for contemplation’s sake. In art, and in literature, these negatives are worth re-creating only in relation to some positive, as a foil, as a contrast, as a means of stressing the positive—but not as an end in themselves.”

Ayn Rand

Favorite Authors/ Influences

Ayn Rand

Terry Goodkind

Favorite Painters/ Influences

Susan Harrison-Tustain

Vladimir Volegov

For more on my books and reading journals, visit my author website: ashscriver.com